Friday, March 25, 2011

What is Love?

What are you? What is your spirit made of?

What is Love? This is the question that has been asked down through the ages. Untold numbers of Love songs have been written. Countless poems and books have been written about Love. We are told from our childhood that we should Love our mommies and daddies, and love everyone. We are taught to Love Jesus. All of our holidays have Love as their reason for existing. Valentines day teaches us to give flowers, candy and cards to show our Love. Christmas day teaches us to give gifts to others and show Love. Thanksgiving day is a day to show our thanks and Love to God for all His bountiful gifts.On Mothers day we show our Love for our mother. The same can be said for: Fathers day, Grandparents day, and all other holidays. Those are the way to show compassion and Love, to all, regardless of their outward appearance.

But the question remains, What is Love? The truth will now be revealed to you. Many know that God is Love, but few know that they are Love. Few know that Love is all that really exists. Love has infinite forms. When Love expresses itself in a certain form, all the power, glory and goodness of Love is in that form. Love cannot be divided. Only love is understandable, love is eternal. Only love is Joy. Only love is peace. Only love is impartial. Only love sees no error. Love is real, and there is no other reality. Love is YOU. Don't you understand that you are love itself, your spirit is love? Because God in you.
You can sing of Love and write poems and books concerning Love, but unless you understand that you are Love, you do not yet know yourself nor do you know what Love is.

Love always gives, giving is not always accompanied by love. If you are love...start to share, God bless you

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