Monday, March 28, 2011

Trusting God When You Don’t Understand

You may not understand life and all that’s happening; but God will give you a piece to the puzzle as you learn to step out on faith.

God knows everything: the past, current and future and our knowledge and understanding doesn’t even compare to the knowledge and understanding of God –  even when it applies to our own life.
No matter how much you don’t understand life as it is right now; no matter how uncomfortable it may seem or how hard it gets, don’t give up.  If God is with you -  the same God who spoke life into you, the same God who is and knows the beginning and the end, the same God who knew you before the foundation of this world -is with you, then ask yourself who or what can stand against you.
When you learn to trust the Lord, you will begin to have a sense of rest in the Lord knowing that He has everything under control even when life seems to be out of control.  Trusting God will get you to the point where you make a decision to trust in Him and NOT in your own logic and understanding.
Trusting God doesn’t prevent you from being in uncomfortable situations but we must make a decision to trust Him regardless of how scary the situation may seem. Stop stressing yourself out- losing sleep, being weary, anxious, worried, depressed and sad.
Man is fallible; we fall short and at times we’re unable to keep our promises.  Man can give you instructions that are misleading and imperfect.  With God, none of these things are possible.  God keeps His promises, God gives you right instructions according to His perfect will and He won’t mislead you.
Encourage yourself in the Lord daily; read His word; pray without ceasing and seek His face.  The next time you find yourself in a position where you are stressed and worried about what God is doing in your life remember to: trust God to lead you, pray and stay in the word of God.  There is strength for you in the word of God

Does what you are about to do, say, think, or decide take you toward the Lord or farther away? Does it move you into His work, or farther out of it? Keep sharing and get the blessing.

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